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Christmas Glazed Ham

A Christmas classic. We usually cook ours on Christmas Eve and then enjoy cold cuts all the way through the Christmas period. This ham is smothered in a sweet orange glaze, it is utterly delicious!

You Will Need:

For the boiling stage

- 1 unsmoked, dry cured Gammon joint (size of your choice)

- 2 onions, quartered

- 1 carrot, unpeeled cut into large rounds

- 2 Bay leaves

- rind of a orange

- Handful of cloves

- Handful of black pepper corns

For the Glaze

- Zest of 1 large orange

- Juice of 1 large orange

- 4 teaspoons of runny honey

- 3 tablespoons of Demerara sugar

- 1 teaspoon mixed spice

- 2 tablespoons dijon mustard (you could use English if you prefer)

- handful of cloves


- Place the gammon joint in a very large pot, cover with cold water and add in the carrot, onion, orange rind cloves, pepper corns and bay leaves. Boil on a low heat for about a hour (or more if your ham joint is huge). You are looking for your ham joint to be pink and cooked through.

- Turn off the heat and leave to cool down a bit then lift the ham out of the water (which you can use for stock or soup if you fancy) and put it on a baking tray lined with baking sheet (I recommend Bake O Glide sheets)

- Remove the ham skin (reserving as much fat as possible) then score the fat into diamond shapes using a sharp knife. Press cloves into the gaps to make a pretty pattern.

To Make the Glaze

- In a saucepan combine the glaze ingredients and cook on a gentle boil until melted and thickened (should be syrup like).

- Pour the glaze over the ham joint and bake in the oven at 200oc until it’s golden brown (takes different amount of times each time but a good estimate is about 30-40 mins) baste with the sauce if it falls of the sides while it’s cooking.

- Remove from the oven and leave to rest for about 10 minutes then serve hot, reserve any leftovers in the fridge by covering in cling film.

Wishing you all a very merry Christmas!

With lots of love,

Izzy XXX

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